歡迎大家留言分享。(Part 1 請點我) (Part 2 請點我)
Fast-food companies play down the protests, saying the one-day strikes are not strikes and hardly affect their operations. Industry officials often call the movement a union front — indeed, the Service Employees International Union has spent more than $10 million to underwrite the movement, seeing it as a powerful lever to raise pay for low-wage workers nationwide. McDonald’s says it pays its workers competitive wages and warns that a wage increase will hurt small and medium-size restaurant businesses. Burger King says it has provided entry-level jobs for millions of workers. Brad Jones, Missouri director of the National Federation of Independent Business, a trade group, criticized the $15 fast-food wage effort. “They’re not looking at your independent pizza guy, your deli on the corner, your little bar and grill,” he said. “If these folks have to increase their wages by $5 an hour, it’s really going to be detrimental to them.” He said that if restaurants had to pay $15, they would hire far fewer young workers for entry-level jobs.
With his fiancée, Myosha Johnson, back at her job as a home care aide, Mr. Wise and his family are back in an apartment. (During their homeless months, they stayed with her brother.) Still, the circumstances are problematic: Because of an inadequate heating system, their daughters sleep on the living room couch rather than in their bedroom, which lacks a radiator. To warm the apartment one recent 10-degree night, the family left the oven on, its door open. Their gas was recently shut off when they could not pay the $348 bill. They receive $240 a month in food stamps for their daughters, 13, 11 and 9. They couldn’t afford the annual back-to-school items that might have spared the girls an embarrassing episode — classmates mocked them for wearing the same shoes as the previous year.
Upset about seeing so little of his children, Mr. Wise quit his Pizza Hut job, which had involved a 90-minute bus trip from his Burger King job. He said he had grown frustrated that in his three years at Pizza Hut, his raises totaled just 22 cents, taking him to $7.47, from $7.25, the federal minimum wage. “My store manager showed me a sheet explaining the pay policy,” he said. “It said the maximum raise was 25 cents over three years. She said, ‘If I gave you 25 cents, that means you’re perfect.’ ” Suzy de la Cruz, who works with Mr. Wise at Burger King, said he persuaded her to join Fight for 15. “I respect Terrance,” she said. “They overwork him just like they overwork me.” Mr. Wise insists that a $15 hourly wage is not an impossible dream. “The way to achieve it is to get all types of low-wage workers involved,” he said. “We have to build a movement for all low-wage workers.”
underwrite = support (金援)
lever = 槓桿
deli = 熟食店
bar and grill = restaurant (餐廳)
= bar指的是酒吧,這裡引申為賣酒精飲料
= Grill指的是烤肉,這裡引申為食物
folk = people (人們)
detrimental = destructive (有害的;不利於...的)
inadequate = 不適當的 (adequate=適當的=appropriate)
radiator = 散熱器
food stamps = (給低收入戶的飯票)
back-to-school = (每年8月開學前的大拍賣,通常是學生用品)
mocked = laugh at (嘲笑)
1. If you are the President of U.S., what will you do to?
2. Is there a similar situation in Taiwan? Can you explain the situation?